The recent amendments to the UK law on porn have sparked a heated debate, with many arguing that they are inherently sexist. The changes, which aim to ban the depiction of certain sex acts in online pornography, have been met with criticism from feminists, sex workers, and civil liberties campaigners. In this article, we will delve into the reasons why these amendments are problematic and how they could have a detrimental impact on gender equality and sexual freedom.

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The Problem with the Amendments

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The amendments to the UK law on porn target a specific list of sex acts that are deemed to be "harmful" and "extreme." These include acts such as face-sitting, spanking, and female ejaculation. While the intentions behind these changes may be to protect individuals from potentially harmful content, they ultimately reinforce harmful stereotypes and stigmatize certain sexual practices.

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By singling out these specific acts, the amendments imply that they are inherently degrading or harmful, particularly to women. This not only perpetuates the idea that women's sexuality should be policed and controlled, but it also ignores the agency and consent of individuals who willingly engage in these activities. Furthermore, the amendments fail to address the broader issue of consent and the importance of promoting healthy and consensual sexual relationships.

Impact on Sex Workers

One of the most concerning aspects of these amendments is the impact they will have on sex workers. Many sex workers rely on online platforms to advertise their services and connect with clients. By banning certain types of content, these amendments effectively limit the ability of sex workers to market their services and engage in consensual sexual activities with their clients.

Furthermore, the amendments reinforce the stigma and discrimination faced by sex workers, particularly women. By deeming certain acts as "extreme" or "harmful," the amendments further marginalize sex workers and perpetuate the idea that their work is inherently exploitative or degrading. This not only undermines the agency and autonomy of sex workers, but it also ignores the broader issues of labor rights and the need to protect the rights of those working in the sex industry.

Gender Inequality and Sexual Freedom

The amendments to the UK law on porn also raise broader concerns about gender equality and sexual freedom. By targeting specific sex acts, the amendments reinforce harmful gender stereotypes and perpetuate the idea that certain sexual practices are inherently degrading to women. This not only undermines the sexual agency and autonomy of women, but it also ignores the diversity of sexual desires and preferences among individuals.

Furthermore, the amendments fail to address the underlying issues of gender inequality and the need to promote healthy and consensual sexual relationships. Instead of focusing on banning certain types of content, the government should be working to address the root causes of sexual violence and promoting a culture of consent and respect.


In conclusion, the recent amendments to the UK law on porn are inherently sexist and pose a threat to gender equality and sexual freedom. By targeting specific sex acts and reinforcing harmful stereotypes, the amendments undermine the sexual agency and autonomy of individuals, particularly women and sex workers. Instead of focusing on banning certain types of content, the government should be working to address the broader issues of consent, gender inequality, and the rights of sex workers. It is crucial that we continue to challenge these amendments and advocate for a more inclusive and sex-positive approach to sexuality and gender equality.